Tuesday, October 27, 2009

He's here...and well he's two months old.

We have been crazy busy around here. Here's a quick overview of the last few months...sold our house, the buyer walked, sold it again, moved in with the in laws, had a baby, started grad school, and moved into the new house!

Niall Julian Nash made his debut on August 28th at 9:33pm. He weighed in at 7lb 14 oz and was 21 inches long. Sydney is loving being the big sister!

I know I haven't been great with updating this blog, but I will try to do better. As soon as we get the computer and office all set up I will get some pictures up of the little man and the new house.

Life is keeping me on my toes and I'm having a blast!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Update...way overdue

So much has happened since I last checked in.

We found out we are having a boy!! Jason couldn't wipe the smile off his face when the sonographer confirmed her 12 week ultrasound prediction. We also found out he has a text book heart, his lungs look great, and he is right on track for his gestational age. This little guy is active. He is constantly on the move. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he uses his energy to turn himself around. Right now he is breech and I am very much afraid of having a c-section. The doctor told me 50% of kiddos are breech at this point and only 3% are at birth. Let's hope I'm not in the 3% come September. This pregnancy is completely different from my pregnancy with Sydney. This little guy is wiping me out. I can't keep my eyes open past 9pm...Jason thinks I'm crazy, but is supporting me and understands that cooking up another person is hard work.

Sydney is doing amazing. She is speaking in sentences and is not afraid to let you know what she wants. I absolutely love this age. She LOVES to be outside, even if we are just sitting on the front steps. She loves the fresh air and sunshine. Sydney is learning her colors and starting to count. This last week at school she was introduced to caterpillars and they are currently wrapping themselves up in cocoons and will be butterflies next week. I think the plan is to let the butterflies go at the end of next week. She is also starting to attempt to use the potty. She is a bit timid, but is aware of what she needs to do while on the potty and quickly lets us know when she needs a new diaper. I cannot believe how fast she is growing and changing. I love watching it, but at the same time wish she would slow down. It is bittersweet. She is just a ton of fun!!

Jason and I are in the process of building a new house. We decided that we needed some more closet space and an extra garage space or two would be nice as well. Our house is on the market and has had a lot of traffic through, but no takers just yet. We are very excited about the new house, its location, and the neighborhood. We are also a little sad to leave Grandpa's house, the place where Mom, Aunt Carole, and Uncle Doug grew up, the place where we all have so many memories. We never will forget it! I ask myself, what would Grandpa and Grandma say about selling their home. I really think they would want us to do this for our family. I hope they are looking down and smiling at our decision. It was a hard one.

Last but not least, Sydney has a new cousin and Jason and I a new nephew! Rogen William was born in April!! He is absolutely perfect and I can't wait to see him this weekend!!

That's about it for now. I will do my best to get updates in more regularly. Hopefully I can figure out how to post some Ultrasound pics too. Jason may have to help with that one.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A little slow on the update...again.

On February 5th we had another ultrasound to confirm dates and to check growth. Jason and I were very apprehensive about this visit. We did not want any bad news to come our way. When we arrived the waiting room was packed and we waited a good 20 minutes to be called back. Finally it was our turn, I could immediately see a heartbeat, which put me at ease. I asked for confirmation that what I was seeing was real. The sonographer said yes, but was not happy with the pictures she was getting. She wanted to do a transvaginal view as well. That brought some panic to Jason and I as it seemed all too familiar. My last transvaginal ultrasound ended with negatively. This time was very different. The sonographer was able to get a closer look and measure a crown to rump length to help determine gestation. She was also able to get a great view of what is a two chambered heart at this point with a heart rate of 180, everything was/is right on track for a September 10th delivery.

I am still very very tired and feel nausea in the mornings and in the evenings. Jolly Ranchers are becoming one of my best friends at work. I don't know what it is but sucking on something helps with the nausea (most of the time) Jason is convinced this is a boy. I'm constantly hungry and eating things I wouldn't normally eat. I'll admit it...I'm getting fat. I'm hoping the second trimester will bring a decrease in not only my nausea, but also in my appetite.

The next ultrasound is scheduled for February 25th.

Sydney is doing great! She is putting two words together and letting us know what she wants. She used to be a breeze at restaurants, but is finding her independence and fighting us a bit more now-a-days. She wants to be on the move all the time. Jason and I are working on her soccer skills already, she loves music, and is always up to "dance dance!" One of her favorite channels to listen to is the 80's station on digital cable. The dance cam at grandma's house is always a hit. Sydney is always on the "go, go, go!"

The Nash family is all geared up for springtime and sunshine!! Today was just too perfect. It was a tease.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

quick update

Jason says I need to get an update out there, so here it is...

As many know we call Sydney "the peanut," number 2 has now officially adopted the nickname of "the bean." This week the little one is the size of a pinto bean.

I am sick ALL THE TIME!! Mostly nausea and a little bit of heartburn, an occasional puke but not on a routine basis...sorry if that was TMI (too much info). With Syd I was only sick from 4pm until bedtime, which gets me thinking and wondering if the bean is a boy. We would be happy either way, don't get me wrong, but geez dude take it easy on your mom!

We are slowly but surely realizing that in a few months our home (and our vehicles) will become a bit more crowded. If you know Jason at all you know what that means, a full on, non-stop search for the perfect ride. Thank goodness it was semi-shortlived as he found a Toyota Seqoia last night. It has all the luxury he needs and will fit the 4 of us with room to spare. The kids will even be able to watch movies on our way to Colorado (our first journey is already set for Thanksgiving). Next step is to get the house ready to sell. The ultimate goal is to be moved into a new home by July AT THE LATEST. Our Realtor is ready to make this a reality.

Sydney is doing great with her tubes. She has a little cough right now and is teething (again). We are still waiting for the day she sleeps in a little later, but it will come with time I'm sure. Probably when number 2 arrives she will sleep late and we will still be getting up with the new one. Oh well, just another joy of parenthood.

Next ultrasound is Thursday, Feb. 5. I'll let you know how it goes!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ultrasound Today

Scratch the August 30th due date...looks like #2 will make an appearance closer to September 11th. I think we had our days a little mixed up. Of course the mix up makes me a little nervous so we will have a follow-up ultrasound on February 5th. We were able to see a heartbeat, the yolk sac, and all that good stuff. Sydney was with us and very interested in what was going on. She is such a curious little peanut.
Even thought the dates are slightly altered, the doctors are confident that all is well. I'm doing what I can to stay positive at this point. Hopefully the next 14 days will fly by. I will have to keep myself busy, which shouldn't be too difficult considering the pile of laundry I'm staring at.

On the flip side, Sydney had her tubes put in yesterday. She was such a trooper. Jason and I were so proud of her. Check her out before surgery...reading books and playing with bubbles. No fear at all! She is becoming a big girl right before our eyes. She is my little side kick and I love every minute of it. Being a mom is the most amazing feeling. I just love it!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

the numbers are rising!!

Good news, my hCG is up to 3900. After only 48 hours my doc likes to see at least a 60% rise and I well exceeded that. We are feeling good that this little one is sticking!! January 21, 2009 will be our first ultrasound. At this point we are estimating an August 30th due date, but will know more on the 21st. The sonographer will be able to measure the amniotic sac and determine how far along we really are.

On another note, Sydney will be having ventilation tubes placed in her ears on January 20th (Happy Birthday Jason). It should be a very simple procedure, but we would appreciate every one's positive thoughts on this day for her speedy recovery.

Morning sickness or all-day sickness?

With Sydney I was "lucky" enough to only be nauseated in the afternoon/evening. Round 2 is bringing an all day feeling of ick. Hopefully this first trimester will fly by, because I'm ready to feel full of energy again.

Today I had my hCG level drawn again. I should have the results in a few hours. The goal is for it to have at least doubled since Wednesday (anything >3778). It is not a secret that I am a huge wimp when it comes to having my blood drawn. I really thought that I would get better about it since I am an RN now...ya right. Putting a needle into tiny babies heads doesn't bother me, but when a nurse comes at my AC with a needle I want to run out of the room. To make matters worse, today I decided I'd be OK if I just sat in the chair and let her draw my blood, the way most people have their blood work done. Up until today I requested a place to lay down while I was a pin cushion. So the blue tourniquet was tied on, I squeezed the stress ball deal, and the nurse poked me. As the needle is sticking out of my arm she is calling for help and decides to fish around a bit...um, stop, pull the needle out, then get help. She didn't get any blood. So, she tries the other arm and fails. At this point I say, "I think we should have someone else try and can I lay down." I feel like a huge goober, but I was sweating and felt a little faint. No way was this joker poking me again. She takes me back, calls in back up, and in one more poke I was done. Next time "Sue" shows up to draw my blood, I will request someone else. I really thought I was a big girl now and could graduate to sitting up for blood draws...wrong-o. Forever will I be the wimp who has to lay down for any type of poke. "Sue" was very apologetic and mentioned she was having a bad day, and the STAT blood man was waiting for my blood, so I guess I should cut her some slack. Really, I don't blame her, I just hate being poked.